San Francisco

2 day itinerary for San Francisco

Personalized with:

Exclude museums

Use Muni and BART

Include visit do Berkeley

Include diner breakfasts both days

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Here's an ideal itinerary for 2 days in San Francisco:

Day 1:

  • Start your day with a delicious breakfast at Mama's on Washington Square, a popular spot known for their fluffy pancakes and omelets.
  • Take the Muni to Fisherman's Wharf and explore the area. You can visit the sea lions at Pier 39, grab some clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl, and take a scenic boat tour of the bay.
  • Next, hop on the BART and head over to Berkeley. Once there, you can explore the vibrant college town and grab lunch at one of the many local eateries. Cheese Board Pizza is a must-try!
  • After lunch, take a stroll through the UC Berkeley campus and check out the beautiful architecture and views of the Bay Area.
  • Head back to San Francisco and end your day with dinner at House of Prime Rib, a classic steakhouse known for their mouth-watering prime rib.

Day 2:

I hope this itinerary helps you make the most of your time in San Francisco!

Places of interest

Mama's on Washington Square San Francisco

Mama's on Washington Square

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Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco

Fisherman's Wharf

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Pier 39 San Francisco

Pier 39

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Berkeley San Francisco


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Cheese Board Pizza San Francisco

Cheese Board Pizza

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UC Berkeley campus San Francisco

UC Berkeley campus

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House of Prime Rib San Francisco

House of Prime Rib

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Plow San Francisco


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Potrero Hill neighborhood San Francisco

Potrero Hill neighborhood

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Golden Gate Park San Francisco

Golden Gate Park

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Japanese Tea Garden San Francisco

Japanese Tea Garden

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de Young Museum San Francisco

de Young Museum

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Conservatory of Flowers San Francisco

Conservatory of Flowers

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Haight-Ashbury San Francisco


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Lombard Street San Francisco

Lombard Street

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The Slanted Door San Francisco

The Slanted Door

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Ferry Building San Francisco

Ferry Building

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